As in the rainforest, a dazzling diversity of life-forms complement and sustain each other; there is secret oxygen with which we unknowingly sustain one another. True community is not produced; it is invoked and awakened. True community is an ideal where the full identities of awakened and realized individuals challenge and complement each other. -John O’Donohue, Beauty
The mission of the Pollinate Foundation is to combat the epidemic of loneliness in our world by creating initiatives that help humans build lives and communities from a connected, soul-centered space. We believe this is fundamentally achieved by providing consistent time and space for humans to build deep connections with each other in intersectional, welcoming and innovative places.
Pollinate Women’s Weekend has served nearly 500 women at its bi-yearly 3-day retreats, providing respite, connection and tools to nurture their families and communities.
The Maiden’s Weekend had its inaugural retreat in 2023 serving twelve girls ages 10-17, giving them skills and connections to cope with a challenging social environment.
Crone Fire Weekend Launching in 2024, Crone fire is a story-telling weekend devoted to elevating the wisdom of women 55+, reclaiming the power of aging for women and reconnecting the generational ties between of every age.
Lilith Weekend Launching in 2024, Lilith weekend is devoted to providing a rejuvenating space for women in leadership roles within our community.
Family Meal, started in 2023 is a monthly potluck to promote food sharing and provide an opportunity for families to connect. Co-hosted with LBGTQ+ organization, The Q Exchange.
Everyman Meal, started in 2022, is a quarterly meal and songwriters circle open to all men who are interested in building community that helps establish deep and supportive relationships among men.
Pollinate Summer Solstice provides a community gathering in Greenwood Park for up to 100 participants to connect with nature, movement and community ritual.
Pollinate Bread is a community bread making event that encourages community members to come together to make bread with friends, host neighborhood meals and donate bread to area food security organizations. We donated over 50 loaves in 2022 through Gateway Market.
Pollinate Ritual Holiday Market is the pinnacle event for a community of local makers who work together all year to support each other and provide locally-sourced and made options in food, apothecary, clothing and art.
Pollinate Magazine is a digital publication with over 60 writers world wide providing articles on the evolution of modern spiritual life and what it means to put the human soul at the center of every aspect of the lived experience.
Pollinate Hikes monthly community hikes in and around the DSM area.
Pollinate Hive House is a pilot project in embedded therapeutic community, featuring healing arts practitioners and community events meant to combat the epidemic of loneliness in our community.
Pollinate Practice Circle supports caregivers from all practice realms to meet for professional development and peer support with monthly meetings and a weekend devoted specifically to their care.
Let’s Work Together
Pollinate Foundation is actively accepting opportunities for collaboration. Please fill out this form to get the process started.